Suggestions for Topics to Dialog on here!

If you have a topic you are wishing to talk about and would like a post opened on it, place it here. I will read it and talk to you about it and then if it makes sense open it up. Biblical content preferable but I am open to world events etc.

Also thanks to all for keeping things civil and I appreciate you! 😉



Published in: on November 17, 2008 at 1:22 pm  Comments (12)  

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12 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. walkinginlove, I would like to discuss a topic with you, because I do respect and am interested in your thoughts. Is there any way I can discuss something with you without anyone else to trying to tear me apart first? I’ll check back.

  2. I sent you an email!

  3. walkinginlove, I started out under this email but it is now different. If there is a way I will give you the email I go by now? I will check back again later.

  4. you could always change the email in your profile.

  5. walkinginlove, I changed the email on my profile. You can email me here. Thanks 🙂

  6. I sent you an email, did you get it?

  7. I got it, I just got through sending one back to you.

  8. Let me know your thoughts. 🙂

  9. I’ve been gone for a little while. Will try to catch up with the blogs.

  10. Welcome back, nothing much has changed.

  11. WIL, This is Truth. I am temporarily changing my ID name on here just for the moment. Scott on his blog “Gods Breath” he won’t let my comment show. Obviously he is trying to hide certain truths from people.

  12. Email it to me, you have my email!

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